Welcome to the infinite world of Origami! In Japanese, ori means "to fold" and gami means "paper". Using origami, music and audience participation, Kuniko provides a magical introduction to Japanese culture and the art of simplicity. In "Origami Tales", mythological character masks & puppets, amazing flowers, and a dragon—all made from origami—set the stage, while Kuniko shares heartfelt stories from ancient Japan.

Watch this video: https://www.origamiair.com/kuniko-s-show

Visit this website for more info: https://www.siegelartist.com/kuniko-yamamoto

Best for grades K-5

Register with this link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=wt-uYv4MA0qSkIRgz8YtPQbpGcAQbQ1BhwjJil4Y0jNUQTRDT0IyWlQ0WkRCVUgyTUVRR0VaWUNFVi4u

Study Guides and More!

To assist educators who wish to best prepare their students to attend Van Wezel Schooltime Virtual Performances and bring arts-based learning to their classrooms, learning materials are provided for each performance.

Program Information

  • Running Time: 1 hour
  • Audience: Grades K - 5

Dates and Contact

Requests will be honored on a first come first served basis and some shows have maximum audience sizes. For more information, contact (941) 263-6750 or [email protected].